“Mersal” is the upcoming film featuring Thalapathi “Vijay” in the lead role. Nithya Menen, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kajal Aggarwal, SJ Surya, “Vadivelu,” Yogi Babu, “Sathyan,” Kovai Sarala and Misha Ghoshal are also in the cast with Thalapathi Vijay. Mersal directed by Atlee is gearing up for Diwali release. Mersal has the music composition of Oscar hero, “A R Rahman.” The audio launch of the film will be held in a grand manner on 20th August. The film is produced by Thenandal Studio Limited. When the fans are expecting the audio release and are gearing up to trend the audio nationally, a song leak has made them tensed. A video song featuring Vijay was leaked online and had been shared by the netizens. As usual, the video has Vijay’s stylish dance movements.