Right after the release of Kaala Karikalan directed by Pa Ranjith, there had been a huge expectation on Superstar ‘Rajinikanth’s next. The film 2point0 released on 29th November and had been making records at the box office. Today, the makers, LYCA Productions officially announced that the film is a Mega Blockbuster with the collection amount of Rs 400 crores. Meanwhile, Superstar’s next film “Petta” audio track is getting ready for the release. Today, the Petta First Single Marana Mass Thalaivar Kuththu will be released online at 6 pm. The sneak peek of the song released today and hyped up the expectations. The song is crooned by “
S P Balasubrahmanyam
” and the music is by
Anirudh Ravichander
. Even before the Petta release, Rajinikanth has been in talks of the people once again for his next film with “
A R Murugadoss
.” So, it is Superstar Rajinikanth mania on the internet!