“Simmba” is the upcoming film featuring Ranveer Singh in the lead role. Sara Ali Khan, the daughter of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, plays the female lead. Sonu Sood plays the villain. Rohit Shetty directed the film, which is the remake of the super hit Telugu film, “Temper.” The film is jointly produced by Rohit Shetty and Karan Johar. The music scoring is by Tanishk Bagchi and Lijo George – DJ Chetas. The BGM is by “S Thaman,” Amar Mohile and Chandan Saxena. The trailer for the film is released and the newly married Ranveer happily replied to the questions shot at him during the latest press meet. Ajay Devgan plays an important role. Prakash Raj, Ashutosh Rana, Kunal Khemu and Tusshar Kapoor are also in the star cast. Let us wait and watch if the trailer creates any record online!