2point0, the successful film has been collecting well at the box office. The film that has created a record collection of Rs 115 crore on the first-day box office, is all set to have a sequel. Yes, the promo video of 3point0 has been released. The 12-second video, released by the team has been making rounds on the internet. The promo introduces Chottu, version 3point0, a miniature of Chitti. What does “
S Shankar
” wants to say? It seems, he is getting ready for 3point0, after “Indian 2.”
Akshay Kumar
, who posted the promo on his Twitter captioned it, “Meet 3.0 in 2.0! The perfect movie outing for your children this weekend, #2Point0 in cinemas now!” As he said, the film would be an interesting movie for the children, as it has excellent VFX works. Let us wait for the official announcement from Shankar!