The X-Men is a superhero film series based on Marvel Comics. The first film was released in 2000. So far there are thirteen movies of X-Men. The X-Men are quite famous in comic books and also in films. Here are some unforgettable characters from X-Men.
Wolverine, also known as Logan, is a fictional superhero role in Marvel comic books. Wolverine is a mutant possesses many abilities and has primarily appeared in books related to the X-Men. The character of Wolverine was played by Hugh Jackman He’s one of the sexiest men alive. His solitary de >> Read More... in the film series. The special abilities of Wolverine are enhanced strength, slow aging, superhuman senses, and retractable claws.
Mystique is a fictional superhero character in Marvel comic books. Mystique is a mutant being who is also a shapeshifter. Her first cameo appearance was in the MS. Marvel comic book. Rebecca Romijn played the character of Mystique. Her abilities are enhanced strengths, slow aging, shapeshifting, and skilled martial arts.
X-23 is a fictional superhero character in Marvel comic books. X-23 was Wolverine's adopted daughter, but it was later discovered that she was his biological daughter. She has the same abilities as Wolverine, and original name is Laura.
Juggernaut is a superhero character in Marvel comic books. Juggernaut's abilities are superhuman strength, stamina, and vulnerability. The character debuted as an antagonist. He has also appeared in many X-Men movies.
Cyclops is a fictional superhero character in the Marvel comic books and a member of the X-Men. He is a mutant, and his eyes emit powerful energy that is controlled by eyewear. Cyclops' abilities are an optic blast, martial artist, and commander. James Marsden James Marsden is an American actor, singer, and mo >> Read More... played the character of Cyclops.
Deadpool is a fictional antihero who appears in Marvel comic books. The character of Deadpool was played by Ryan Reynolds He is one of the dashing debonair of Hollywood. He >> Read More... . He's nicknamed "Merc with a Mouth" because he's always cracking jokes. Its abilities of Deadpool are regeneration, slow aging, and martial arts. He is part of the X-Men and will appear in Marvel movies.
The storm is a fictional superhero and part of the X-Men. She can control the weather and atmosphere and is one of the most powerful mutants on Earth. The character of Storm was played by Halle Berry She was known for her short - hair styles, from a >> Read More... in the movies. Her abilities are lightning, weather change, and being a thief.
Magneto is a fictional character appearing in Marvel comic books and X-Men movies. Magneto is a mutant who has the superpower of controlling magnets. He is against humans and mutants' coexistence. Ian McKellen No writer could ever describe him. As a writer, fo >> Read More... portrayed the character of Magneto in the X-Men films. His abilities are magnetic forcefields, magnetic armor, magnetic rays, and helmets against telepathic attacks.
Professor X also known as Charles Francis Xavier, is a fictional character of the X-Men. The character was played by Patrick Stewart Patrick Stewart is a prominent English film actor. >> Read More... . Professor X is a mutant and the founder of the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters. He used to believe in the existence of mutants and humans together and used to fight against Magneto. He is known for his powerful psychic abilities.
Phoenix, also known as Jean Grey, is a mutant and a member of the X-Men. She is the most powerful mutant, and her powers are so strong. In the live-action film X-Men, Sophie Turner played Jean Grey.