Charlize is one of the most recognizable actress in Hollywood and one of the most beautiful too. But for her film ‘
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’ she transformed into an obese and ragged prostitute. She was playing the role of a serial killer in the movie. To prepare for it she waxed her eyebrows, gained lots of weight and wore fake teeth, in short the model actress was unrecognizable in the movie. She eventually went on to win the Oscar in best actress category for this film.
She was playing the role of a drug addict in the movie “Jungle Fever”. To actually get into the character of this movie she spent over a month without a bath, living a really dirty life. She used to also regularly visit crack dens with a police officer to see the life of a crack addict. Once she had an idea of how the world of drug addicts goes on, she was able to portray the character better.
Natalie Portman dons the character of a ballerina in the thriller click “
Black Swan
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”. To make a convincing ballerina, the actress had to follow a very tough regime. First she had to lose over 9 kilos to get into shape resulting due to her intensive dance practice and strict diet. She practiced ballet dancing for anywhere between 3-8 hours everyday. All of this started a year before the shooting of the movie. Her efforts were well rewarded as she won the Oscar for her role!
He was playing the role of a Jewish holocaust survivor in the movie “The Pianist”. To fit into his role perfectly, he consciously gave up everything in his life. And by everything we mean everything including his house, car, cellphone and lifestyle. In fact, he even broke up with his longtime girlfriend for this role. His acting was so original in the movie that he won the Oscar for it at a really young age. He was also the first American to win the Caesar award.
This legendary actor certainly went the distance for his role of Rocky in Rocky’s Balboa. At nearly the age of 60, it took a lot of work and fitness regime to get his body in the perfect shape for the role. On top of the all the fitness programs he also faced the real-life boxer Antonio Tarver. He went the extra distance by actually getting punched quite severely both during the shooting and practice to make the fight look as original as possible.
In the war movie “Saving Private Ryan”, the director
Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg is an American producer, director >>
shows the worse side of the ravaging war. In order to make the movie more realistic, Tom Hanks along with the rest of the cast were put into a boot camp led by an ex-Marine corps officer Dale Dye. For almost two weeks, Tom Hanks and the cast lived outside in the worst possible weather and conditions. They lived on ration food and learnt how to operate war weaponry. As a result, this movie went on to be a huge success.
Heath Ledger will always remain in the hearts of the audience as Joker; for his potrayal in the movie “The Dark Knight”. To understand the character of the dark and psychotic killer, he took extreme steps. In order to figure out the best maniac laugh and perfect traits, he locked himself in a hotel room for over a month continuously keeping him cut-off from the world. He prepared really hard for this portrayal, and it can be argued that his role even overshadows that of the main character Batman. He received worldwide praise and even an Oscar for his role. But sadly he couldn’t live to see it as he died of an accidental drug overdose, shortly after the film.
In the movie “The Theory of Everything”, Eddie portrays the role of the famous theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking. In order to play the role the actor had to learn all about neuro-motor disease. He had to study the body postures and the speech impairment that occur during the onset of this neurological disorder. It took him over four months to completely grasp the character during which he even met the actual Stephen Hawking. The movie went on to become a star hit with Eddie winning the Oscar.
The brilliant actor has won many awards for his acting, but most of his roles require a lot of preparation. In the movie 'Collateral', he plays the role of an invisible assassin. To get ready for this role, he actually took up the position of a Fed-ex delivery guy. He decided to blend in the public without raising any doubt, which he pulled of brilliantly. He also learnt how to use real firearms to have a better aim.
This knighted actor has demonstrated what it means to be an actor in the movie "My Left Foot". He plays the role of a character afflicted with cerebral palsy. To make the acting original and to maintain it, he almost lived on his wheelchair. He took up a slouched mannerism which even broke two of his ribs. Certainly he took his acting to another level.