Home Poet Malayalam

Malayalam Poet



Chippy Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1975

Age Now 49

Chippy - (Producer)

Miss Kumari Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 1 June 1932

Lived For 36 Years

Miss Kumari - (Movie Actress)

T. M. Abraham Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1949

Age Now 75

T. M. Abraham - (Director)

Listin Stephen Malayalam Producer
Born: 1 June 1986

Age Now 38

Listin Stephen - (Producer)

Durga Viswanath Malayalam Singer
Born: 1 June 1987

Age Now 37

Durga Viswanath - (Singer)

Anvar Ali Malayalam Story Writer
Born: 1 June 1966

Age Now 58

Anvar Ali - (Story Writer)

Binu Sadanandan Malayalam Director
Born: 1 June 1980

Age Now 44

Binu Sadanandan - (Director)



A poet is a person who creates poetry. A poet describes everything in their own form known as poetry. They see the world from a different prospective than most of us describe what they see in their poetries. The poetry of a poet consists of either expressing ideas in a literal sense, means writing for a specific event or place, or writing metaphorically. 

Poets are present since the earliest times of the human history and nearly in all languages and cultures. The poets have created works which are in different cultures and periods. With changing society and civilization, poets have used many different styles and techniques which creates a distinguishing factor for these poets across the time period.Poets have held an important role in the history of every civilization and varied drastically through them.

Every kingdom has their group of poets who had written the accounts for the lifestyles of their time period which is used today to discover many new facts about the lifestyles of that time period.