Kumar Govind, is an actor and producer in the Kannada film industry. He also gained fame as an action hero in the Kannada industry in his early days. Kumar Govind made his debut in the movie ‘Shhh!’ that was one of the all-time hit, and one of the cult Kannada thriller movie written and directed by Upendra .‘Shhh!’ film released on 3 December 1993 and created a new trend of Suspense thriller movies in Kannada film industry. Kumar Govind also produced ‘Shhh!’ film. ‘
’ a blockbuster-hit movie, directed by Upendra in 1995, which started a new trend in the film industry, was offered first to Kumar Govind. However, after he rejected the movie the famous and memorable role went to Shivarajkumar.
Kumar Govind acted in some more movies after that but did not make it big in Kannada film industry. However, Kumar continued to be active in the Kannada film industry. He also directed and acted in the movie ‘ Sathya’. Anyhow, the film did not perform well at the box office. Some of his movies are Shhh, Anuraga Sangama, and Amma Nagamma etc. Kumar Govind recently announced that he is producing and directing a film named’ Mastermind’ in which he is also written the story, dialogues and screenplay for the movie.