Midhun Mukundan is an Indian Musician, and composer. He mainly works for Kannada Film Industry. He is very famous for his work in the movie like Srinivas Kalyana in the year 2017, OnduMotteyeKathe in the year 2017; other projects are Kahi in the year 2016, KaafiThota in the year 2017. He is also an Indian Music director and actor by profession. He has Indian nationality. His movie KaafiThota breaks the theater in the year 2017.
His list of the film includes SarvajanikarigeSuvarnaKaasha in the year 2018. This movie is in Kannada Language, Mahira is in the year 2018 in the Kannada Language. Other in line is Daughter of Parvathamma in the year 2018, Maya bazaar in the year 2018, and RamanuKaadigeHodanu in the year 2018. His projectKaafiThota has the genre Mystery and thriller. Release date of the movie is August 18 and in the year 2017. The director of this movie is TN Seetaram.
Screenplay writer of this movie is TN Seetaram. It is on the crime, thriller, and suspense. The producer of this movie is ManvantaraChitra. Cast includes for the project is
Raghu Mukherjee
Raghu Mukherjee is an Indian model and film actor >> Read More...
, RadhikaChetan, SamyuktaHornad,RajeshAmbika,ApekshaPurohit, B. C. Patil,
Achyuth Kumar
Achyuth Kumar was born in Bangalore. He has acted >> Read More...
, SudhaBelawadi, Veena Sunder, Sundar Raj,and HanumantheGowda. J AnoopSeelin did the music recording for the movie KaafiThota. Another project of Midhun includes OnduMotteyaKathe.
The director of the movie is Raj B. Shetty. The producer of the movie is
Suhan Prasad
Born in Mangaluru, Karnataka, Suhan Prasad is a di >> Read More...
Pawan Kumar
Pawan Kumar is a Kannada film and TV director, ac >> Read More...
. Raj B. Shetty did the scriptwriting. The cast includes for the movie is Raj B. Shetty, Usha Bhandari, AmruthaNaik, and Deepak RaiPanaje. The musical composition provided by MidhunMukundan.
Praveen Shriyan
Bio coming soon... >>
did the editing for OnduMotteyaKathe. This film made under the production of Pawan Kumar Studios, Mango Pickle Entertainment.
This releases on July 6 and in the year 2017. Raj B. Shetty did the lead role with the actor Usha Bhandari. Shailashree, PrakashTamilnadu, Deepak RaiPanaje,AmruthaNaik, ShreyaAnchan, VjVineeth,
Rahul Amin
Rahul Amin is an Indian actor and director who mai >> Read More...
, and
Mime Ramdas
Mime Ramdas is a Kannada singer, actor, and TV hos >> Read More...
did the supporting role. National newspaper The Hindu did the news to the publication that ‘Kannada Film of the Year.' This film is the winner of 65th Film fare award south for the category of Best Film in the Kannada language in the year 2017.