One of the renowned names in Kannada cinema, Nishvika Naidu made her debut in ‘Vaasu Naan Paaka Commercial’ in the year 2018 which was directed by the famous director, Ajith Vasan Uggina, opposite Anish Tejeshwar Anish Tejeshwar is an Indian actor who has worked >> Read More... who is a well-known actor in both Kannada and Telugu film industries.
Born in the garden city of India, Bangalore, Karnataka, she graduated from Mount Carmel College, Bangalore, in psychology. At that time she was modelling for a local clothing brand. She gained fame for her work in the movie ‘Amma I Love You’ which was released prior to her debut movie wherein she was cast opposite to Cheeranjeevi Sarja another popular name in the Kannada film industry.
Her role in the film was of a strong, independent yet sentimental girl who dares to run her own entrepreneurial venture rather than taking up a job. Not only this, she successfully managed to get three films to her credit even before the release of her debut film.
In her interview with The Times Of India, which was published on 10th of June 2018, she revealed that she is a trained classical Dancer and has been performing for many years. In another interview with The Indian Express before the release of her debut film, ‘Vasu Naan Paka Commercial’, which went on air on 31st of July, 2018, she made a remark that she is “essentially a non-commercial heroine”.
The plot of the movie fundamentally revolves around Vaasu who values his friends and family a lot but falls in love with a rich girl, Mahalakshmi, who tries to distance him from them. Nishvika was prised a lot for her performance in the film since she matched up well to her co-star, who is already a well-established actor. Her next project was ‘ Padde Huli Click to look into! >> Read More... ’, which is a remake of a Tamil film, ‘ Meesaya Murukku Click to look into! >> Read More... ’. The director of the film is Guru Deshpande Guru Deshpande is a Kannada film director who pred >> Read More... who is also the director of the celebrated film ‘Rajahuli’, and the producer is Ramesh Reddy Ramesh Reddy is a well know Telugu producer who re >> Read More... who has films like ‘Uppu Huli Kara’ and ‘ Pokkiri Mannan Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ to his credit.
Shreyas Manju K Manju is a Mollywood movie actor and the son of >> Read More... is her co-star, who is another famous actor in the Kannada film industry. It is remarkable how in a very short time the actress rose to fame considering that she does not have any Godfather in the acting industry and that she comes from a non-acting family background. From a trained Bharatnatyam dancer to an enormously talented actor, she turns out to be a complete package.