Home Kannada Kannada Director
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Sumana Kittur is a writer, lyricist, director, journalist and she has been working for Sandalwood. Kittur had entered into the movie industry with the film ‘ Aa Dinagalu Click to look into! >> Read More... ’ and she took the role aof ans associate director for this screenplay. It was released in the year 2007. Besides that she narrated the lyrics for the title song. Slowly but steadily that movie got a mammoth public response through which she got noticed independently for her work. Her successive releases are Slum Bala, which was directed by Kittur herself and released in the year 2008. In 2009, Kallara Santhe movie was released. ‘Edegarike’ film had got an enormous response, which was directed by Kittur in the year 2012.

After that she has taken some gap to release another movie and her latest movie was Kiragoorina Gayyaligalu Click to look into! >> Read More... which was released in the year 2016. She had won many awards for her directory works, and noticeably she had become one of the famous personalities. Most of her filmography works are based on the present burning events which describe clearly how people are reacting to current situations, how they are suppose to do something to improve it and how to choose correct solutions for the problems. Sumana was born in Periyapattana, which was located in Mysore district; her mother tongue is Kannada language.

Their family had one small theater named Talkies, located in the same village. After her education she came to Bangalore along with the famous film director Agni Shridhar Agni Shridhar, the founder of Karunada Sene, was f >> Read More... who was a journalist and turned her career as a screenplay director. Kittur always used to be inspired by the actions of Agni and respect his each and every step. For the movie Edegarike, she got huge ratings, and Kittur had been credited with many awards for that screen.

Kittur had succeeded her career as a director and narrated a few songs. She had worked as a journalist before her famous works were noticed. Approximately she had directed more than four films, out of which three of them had got a numerous response and were even credited with many awards.


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