Dean McDermott is a Canadian-born reality television personality best known for hosting the first two seasons of a renowned cooking competition Chopped: Canada, which is a Canadian television reality show series based on the US series ‘Chopped.’ The show had a huge following and so did he for his exceptional hosting. He played the role of Doc Barlow in the famous 2003 movie Open Range for which he gained enormous appreciations from the critics. He owns a website Dean belongs to Canada as he was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada to David and Doreen McDermott along with his three siblings.
He married his first wife Mary Jo Eustace in 1993 and had a son named Jack. In 2005, during the shooting of a TV movie ‘Mind over Murder,’ he met his co-actor, Tori Spelling Tori Spelling, whose birth name is Victoria Davey >> Read More... . They both had an affair which resulted in his divorce in 2006. After his divorce, he married Tori Spelling in May in the same year in Fiji. Dean and Tori have four children (two sons and two daughters). He has been in the news a lot for many reasons. On 1st July 2010, McDermott had a dirt bike accident, which was his second motorcycle accident of the year. He suffered a punctured heart. Following the accident, he became an American citizen the very next month. In early 2014, he was admitted to a rehab due to alcoholism and suicidal thoughts due to his infidelity towards Tori Spelling. He was the musical composer for ‘Tori and Dean: Inn Love’.
Dean has worked in several films including the 1990 film Straight Line Straight line TV show was made in the Malayalam la >> Read More... and the 2004 movie Against the Ropes. His role of Alisdair Keith in the 2004 movie Touch of Pink and Blaze in 2008 movie Saving God is a treat to watch. Apart from movies, he has worked in a lot of major Television Shows like Earth: The Final Conflict (1999-2002), Power Play (1998-2000), Due South (1995-1999), etc. He also had a reality television series, Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood, based on him and his wife. In 2013, McDermott joined "Team Guy" as a member of it as he appeared on the second season of Food Network's Rachael vs. Guy: Celebrity Cook-Off. He later won that season as well. He also worked in a TV-movie about two high-school sweethearts, alongside Rena Sofer and Barbara Eden in ‘Always and Forever.’ He was a nominee in Gemini Awards for Best Ensemble Performance in comedy series in ‘The tournament.’