Home Dialogue Writer English

English Dialogue Writer


Melanie English Movie Actress
Born: 12 January 1974

Age Now 51

Melanie - (Movie Actress)

Kirstie Alley English Movie Actress
Born: 12 January 1951

Age Now 74

Kirstie Alley - (Movie Actress)

Zayn Malik English Singer
Born: 12 January 1993

Age Now 32

Zayn Malik - (Singer)

John Lasseter English Animator
Born: 12 January 1957

Age Now 68

John Lasseter - (Animator)

Joshua Michael Stern English Director
Born: 12 January 1961

Age Now 64

Joshua Michael Stern - (Director)

Oliver Platt English Movie Actor
Born: 12 January 1960

Age Now 65

Oliver Platt - (Movie Actor)

Olivier Martinez English Movie Actor
Born: 12 January 1966

Age Now 59

Olivier Martinez - (Movie Actor)

Johnny Martin English Assistant Director
Born: 12 January 1963

Age Now 62

Johnny Martin - (Assistant Director)


Dialogue Writer Is The One Who Co Ordinates With The Script Writer

A Dialogue writer is the one who co ordinates with the script writer and writes dialogues for the characters in the film.

They need to stick to the theme of the film while writing dialogues. Sometimes the dialogues are written keeping the actor in mind, on whether it would suit him or her and whether he or she could pull it off. At times, even the dialogues change during the actual shoot and the dialogue writer has to come up with something better than what was written before. If the dialogue isn't working out for the actor to play, then he or she might improvise and act out by saying the words similar to what the dialogue writer had written, if not the exact words. Some dialogue writers are very strict as to how the dialogue will be in the film and don't like if the actors change it during the scene.