Home Cinematographer




Chetan Hansraj Tamil TV-Actor
Born: 15 June 1982

Age Now 42

Chetan Hansraj - (TV-Actor)

Karuna Bhushan Telugu TV-Actress
Born: 15 June 1988

Age Now 36

Karuna Bhushan - (TV-Actress)

Palak Dey Hindi Child Artist
Born: 15 June 2008

Age Now 16

Palak Dey - (Child Artist)

Pallavi Gupta Hindi TV-Actress
Born: 15 June 1990

Age Now 34

Pallavi Gupta - (TV-Actress)

Pallavi Kulkarni Hindi Model
Born: 15 June 1982

Age Now 42

Pallavi Kulkarni - (Model)

Ottapalam Pappan Malayalam Supporting Actor
Born: 15 June 1945

Lived For 67 Years

Ottapalam Pappan - (Supporting Actor)

Neil Patrick Harris English Movie Actor
Born: 15 June 1973

Age Now 51

Neil Patrick Harris - (Movie Actor)

Adeel Chaudhry Urdu Movie Actor
Born: 15 June 1988

Age Now 36

Adeel Chaudhry - (Movie Actor)


How Does Cinematographer's Dominate The Scene?

A cinematographer who is also known as the director of photography is the one who takes in charge for making artistic and creative decisions related to the visuals of a movie. The word cinematography comes from the word ‘kinema’ which means movement and ‘graph’ which means writing. They play a huge role in the filming of a movie since they are responsible for the camera and lighting departments. Several vital decisions are taken by the cinematographer such as the look, the feel, the colors, the essence, etc. A lot of pre-work has to be done.

This includes reading the script, imagining the scene, creating visual imagery, elaborating lighting setup, How, etc. These are essential as these elements evoke and elicit emotions and enhance the plot as a whole. By the means of the camera, light and other such devices, a cinematographer tries to convey a characters dream, hope, emotions, etc. During the silent movie era, cinematography played a pivotal role since there was no background sound as well as no dialogues, and so the only way to hook and grasp the attention of the viewers was the visual effects. Even today, each film brings creative and unexpected ideas that are beyond your imagination.