Pankaj Bhatia is an Indian Television Actor. Pankaj, with a struggling course of over 4 years, belongs to the green city of Chandigarh towards the Northern India. The actor has showcased his talent in several TV shows such as Dulhan, Hawan, Sabki Laadli BeboSabki laadli bebo is a drama serial of India. This >> Read More..., Kahin Kisi Roz, Kahaani Ghar Ghar Ki, Kayamat, Pancham, Apne Mere Apne, Bani –Ishq ka Kalma, Ye Hain Mohabbatein and many more. Pankaj Bhatia is most remembered for his role as ‘lallan’ in Dulhan that was aired on Zee TV. This six feet tall actor has also been spotted in several ads such as Bajaj Discover DTS-1 as well as Bluestar ACs. In the year 2000, the Chandigarh based struggling actor was amongst the seven finalists of Grasim Mr. India. The actor is an absolute foodie, who is fond Cadbury chocolates, stuffed paranthas and even homemade butter. The actor also worked as a medical transcripter to support himself financially while pursuing his struggle. He is remembered for his role as Vibhishan in the serial Mahadev. At present, he appears in the TV serial ‘Ye Ha Mohabbatein’ on Star Plus as Bala. He is quite well-connected with his fans through social media channels such as Twitter and Facebook.