Lakshmi is an Indian TV drama that aired on Sun TV from Monday to Friday. It aired from 10:00 PM onwards. The star casts of the show are Meena, Vijay Adhiraj Vijay Adhiraj is a famous Tamil TV anchor, televis >> Read More... , Lakshmi Gopalaswamy Lakshmi Gopalaswamy is a South Indian actress and >> Read More... , Mohan Sharma Mohan Sharma is a prominent Indian film actor, pro >> Read More... , Chetan, Saakshi Siva Saakshi Siva is one of the most leading actors in >> Read More... , and Devadarshini, among others. It was directed by Sundar. K. Vijayan and R. Balaji Yadav. The show began on Sun TV on 24 July 2006 at 8:30 pm and It continued in the same slot till 24 27 November 2006; the show was moved to 10:00 PM IST time Slot from 27th November 2006 and ended on 13th June 2008. The series is produced by Sujatha Vijay Kumar under Home Media banner.
Another Version Of This Show
Lakshmi is an Indian soap opera that falls under the famous genre of Romance and drama. Romance has always dominated television around the world as it is the oldest genre of storytelling. Lakshmi is an Indian epic saga of romance. The show follows two characters. One is an intelligent girl called Lakshmi. She is hugely talented and breathtakingly beautiful and belongs to a Brahmin family who is very strict about her whereabouts. The other character is that of a boy who belongs to a lower caste. He belongs to a very poor family that is dipped in huge debt and is struggling to even feed their stomach. The boy wants to make everything right for his family and get them out of all troubles. He also feels suffocated within all the caste boundaries that have been put up by society. The girl and boy both live in a village and one day meet randomly and fall instantly for each other. Their love story is destined to be doom because of the caste identity that they carry on their backs. The show follows the couple as they struggle to keep their love alive.
Lakshmi, although is a romantic drama, could be counted as a social drama because of the way it highlights the issue of caste that exists in Indian society. The show was written by Devi Bala along with Bhaskar Shakthi and Ve.Ki.Amirthraj. The show has been produced by Sujatha Vijayakumar Sujata Vijaykumar is an Indian film producer who w >> Read More... . Meena plays the role of Lakshmi while Vijay Adhiraj plays the role of the boy. The show released in 2006 on the popular Tamil channel Sun TV and soon became a massive hit among the locals. The show has a huge run and has had a total run of 500 episodes.