Pranayamazha is an Indian romantic drama series dubbed in Malayalam. It was televised on Mazhavil Manorama from Monday to Saturday at 10 am. Originally it was a Hindi serial named Bade Achche Lagte Hai 2, aired on Sony Entertainment Television. The Hindi version is also available digitally on Sony Liv. The series producer is Ekta Kapoor Ekta Kapoor; a legendry producer in Indian TV and >> Read More... under the banner of Balaji Telefilms. It starred Nakuul Mehta Nakuul Mehta is an Indian Model, Anchor and an Ac >> Read More... and Disha Parmar Disha Parmar is an Indian actress who works on Ind >> Read More... in lead roles.
Priya Sood (Disha Parmar) is a simple girl living with her single mother, sisters Sara, Maitri, Sandy, and cousin Akshay. Her father, Mahendar, abandoned them to live with his new wife and son. On the other hand, Ram is a handsome and successful business tycoon. He was heartbroken by his ex-girlfriend Vedika, and since then, he only focuses on work and his family. He lives with his stepmother Nandini and half-siblings, Shubham and Shivina.
Now Shivina and Akshay love each other, but Akshay refuses to marry before Priya. Hence, for the sake of Shivina, Ram marries Priya, which irks Nandini. Meanwhile, Vedika returns to win back Ram and discloses everything to Priya. Her plan fails when Ram and Priya still stay united. Later, Ram reopens the murder investigation of his father. Sara's husband, and Mahendar, are arrested for this crime. Shivina dies in an accident caused by Eshan. Priya takes all the blame and goes to jail. She realizes her pregnancy in prison but hides her child from Ram due to Nandini's manipulation.
Five years later, Priya has served her sentence and has a daughter named Pihu. Fate lets Ram and Pihu meet frequently, due to which they learn about their father-daughter relationship. The truth of the accident caused by Eshan, and the ploy of Vedika, Shubham, and Nandini, are exposed in front of Ram. As a result, Ram and Priya reunite, and Priya gets pregnant again.
Soon, Shubham and Siddharth crack a deal with
Yash Khanna
Yash Khanna is an Indian cinematographer who works >> Read More...
with the help of Ram. This incident lets Ram meet with his biological mother, Swati, and brother Lakhan. Ram and Lakhan are at loggerheads after learning the truth of their relationship.
Lakhan loves Avni, the daughter of Yash, but Yash wants her to marry Siddharth. Later, Nandini, Ram, and Priya finally meet at her house and learn the truth about Swati. Soon, someone torches the house, and the couple still tries to save Nandini. Seeing this, Nandini saves them and dies in the process. Priya gives birth to Prachi. Ram and Priya hug and succumb to their injuries.
Twenty years have passed, and Lakhan has taken over the business and looks after Pihu and Prachi. However, Avni is married to Siddharth. Lakhan has a secretary, Raghav, who likes Prachi, but Pihu likes Raghav. On the other hand, the adopted son of Brinda and Aditya, Angad, likes Pihu.
Josh, the son of Avni and Siddharth, plans to win over Prachi to gain access to her wealth. As soon as he learns that Raghav likes Prachi, he instigates Lakhan and Prachi against him. However, Angad and Pihu take his side, and the three of them leave the mansion.
After three years, Raghav, Angad, and Pihu return to save Prachi from Josh and kick him out of the house. They relentlessly try to make her realize his true colors with the help of other family members. However, Josh and Prachi get engaged, but when he doubts her character, she refuses to marry him. Later, she is met with an accident and overhears in the hospital that Pihu loves Raghav. So, she sacrifices her love for Raghav and agrees to marry Josh.
Finally, with the help of Avni, Raghav exposes that Siddharth murdered Ram and Priya. Pihu confesses her love for Angad. Prachi breaks off her alliance with Josh and proposes to Raghav. The series ends on a happy note, with the wedding of Raghav and Prachi and a heartfelt family photo.