Chasing Monsters is an adventurous reality show that airs on Animal Planet. Cyril Chauquet is the host of the show. In this show, he, along with the cameraman visit unusual places throughout the world to explore underwater creatures. He prominently visits the remotest corner of the world. These underwater creatures include alligator gar, fights giant catfish, giant Mexican sailfish, etc. He exhibits his braveness on wandering from shark-infested waters of Florida to the caimans of the Brazilian Amazon. This show series explores the most thrilling part of his life with the wild fishes underwater with amazing travel to the hidden depths of the planet's oceans, lakes, and rivers. These mysterious heart-stirring performances aired from July 7, 2015, for thirty-nine episodes as its first season.
In August 2018, it had its second season, and they also release Season three, containing twelve episodes in Canada as well as in Asia. Season 4, with only six episodes, is in the process to release at the end of the year 2020. Animal Planet and Discovery channels are invented only for telecasting the wild forest travel of the anchors. Shortly this is a journey with the rugged animals and trembling emotion. Traveling through the dense forest with a dreadful feeling is impossible. But these people can try the impossible challenges, which include trekking, fishing, diving underwater, etc. It also a show that involves fishing of wild fishes that are exotic and highly threatening. Cyril, in this show, creates a battle with the black Piranha. When he is on his ship, it rushes to catch him, and he is trying to hold it using her hands.
It makes us think of us whether the depiction is true. Because this is highly terrifying and a play of survival. Mostly the shoot of the show took place in the woods behind the Amazon forest. For catching these fishes, he should dive or undergo the hardest, tasks. It also involves heavy methods to escape from death. Anything can happen when trying to catch it. Even sometimes, it can try to crab us and disappear out of the net. But handling it involves various training. It makes the audience blood bumbling effect as the fishes can trap us in a fraction of a second. That makes the audience sit and the end of the chair when he exposes his hilarious master of science in fishing. It is a dreadful, thrilling, and hardly undigestible show that freezes the viewers. This show schedules at night time to make us more fascinating and exciting.