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Here is the review of Moana 2 English Movie Review - Moana 2 English Movie Review Rating, can see the Runtime, Genre - cast and crew with Certificate

Review for the film " "



What is the genre of "Moana 2"?

Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation

Who directed "Moana 2"?

Dave Derrick Jr., David G. Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, Dana Ledoux Miller

What is the duration of "Moana 2"?

01 Hour 40 Minutes

When was "Moana 2" released?


Cast & Crew

Who plays the lead role in "Moana 2"?

Dwayne Johnson, Auli\'i Cravalho, Alan Tudyk, Nicole Scherzinger, Rachel House, Temuera Morrison, Rose Matafeo, Khaleesi Lambert-Tsuda, Awhimai Fraser, Hualalai Chung, David Fane, Gerald Ramsey


What is the plot of "Moana 2"?

Plot revolves around Comedy, Adventure, Fantasy, Animation, etc.

Ratings & Reviews

What are the audience ratings for "Moana 2"?



Is "Moana 2" suitable for all ages?

Yes, it's rated UA

What is the name of the action director who worked on "Moana 2"?

Seth Boyden, Amy Henkel, Rita Karl, Tamara Lusher, Gervais Merryweather, Michel Mulipola, Nölwenn Roberts, David VanTuyle

Who is the production designer of "Moana 2"?

Ian Gooding

What is the name of the visual effects company that worked on "Moana 2"?

Aaron C. Adams, Eduardo Aguirre, Sung Joon Bae, Jihye Bak, Amrit Battu, Amanda Beals, Sumanto Bej, Richard A.M. Bell, Alejandro Benitez Valenzuela, Bob Bennett, Meera Benson, Marya Bermejo, Paulo Biajante, Michael Bongiorno, Kelly Bonin, Alice Bouchier, Eric Bouffard, John Brix, Ben Brown, Daniel Bruzzese, Angelia Butts, Carlos Cabral, Kevan Canavar, Chris Carignan, Loris Cavalier, Joanne Chang, Abhay Chatterjee, Serene Chien, Wes Chilton, Johnson Chuang, Daniel Clark, Cristiana Covone, Enzo Cransac, Charles Cronkrite, Nick Damico, Anais Dappe, Samantha Delgado, Liyao Deng, Aaron Dennis, Leticia Maycotte Diaz, Kaori Doi, Sarah Dunton, Taylor Dziuk, Joël Einhorn, Reginald Amukoshi Emvula, Laura Feraud, Caroline Fernandes, Gretchen Freitag, Francesco Gallo, Priyanshu Ghosh, Pasquale Giardino, Aman Gill, Marine Goalard, Dipankar Goswamy, James Greenwood, Trisha Hanley, Elise Hannon, Pau Homs i Farré, Alessandro Jacomini, Daniel Jardin, Katie Xiaoya Jin, Raphaël Jouretz, Shamintha Kalamba Arachchi, Joyce Kambey, Jayesh Kapadia, Brandon Lee Karcher, Lucas Kazakevicius, Caroline Kiessling, Minji Kim, Sarita Suri Kumar, Amanda Kutcher, Gilman Lam, David Lavoie, Aaron Fang-Jen Lee, YJ Lee, Richard E. Lehmann, Vadim Lensky, Francis Leong, Rita Lin, Tong Jason Lin, James Lojo, Beatriz Lorenzo, Carina Lotecki, Lukas Lundberg, Jeronimo Maggi, David Maldonado, Anna Marinelli, Gabriella Marinescu, Luis Mathison, Dale Mayeda, Shaun McLellan, Karla Ramirez Medina, Josh Meister, Lisa Minotti, Rebecca Monaghan, Kévin Monnier, Meredith Moulton, Chris Nabholz, Nachi, Naveen Natarajan, Ryan North, Christian Olan-Geddes, Miguel Angel Ortiz Rivera, Sarah Ostrick, Jan Lukas Panther, Emese Papp, Eileen Peng, Marshall Petersen, Joan Pons Bueno, Winston Quitasol, Nicholas Ralabate, Julia Rangel, Grace Hori Reaves, Balaji Reddy, Hiro Ren, Panya Ren, Alejandro Restrepo, Daniela Restrepo, Dylan James Rimmer, Mattia Rodini, Sari Rodrig, Toby Rosen, Ana Salazar, Afonso Salcedo, M.J. Sarmiento, Aldo Scarella, Hope Schroers, Arnaud Servouze, Michelle Sharp, Jagjeet Singh, Rattanin Sirinaruemarn, Conor Smith, Zoran Stojanoski, Sujil Sukumaran, Jeff Sullivan, Brian Sundman, Wayne Sura, Fernanda Dini Tavares, Ashley Souza Taylor, Caspar Trenchard-Turner, Shreya Uchil, Will von Jess, Ivan Wang, Xin Wen, Laura White, Megan Wong, Kyung Hoon Woo, Jared Wright, Michelle Wu