Srijar Shashurbari is an Indian Bengali serial that premiered on Colors Bangla. It's a debut show of the Hindi serial "Sasural Simran Ka," which was telecasted on 25 April 2011 on the Colors channel. The show became a great success and succeeded in running for 7-8 years on television. The show is produced by Rashmi Sharma telefilms and directed by Pawan Kumar Marut, Pawan Sahu, Deelip Kumar The name of Simar and Roli are changed in the Bangla version. The characters are played by Dipika Kakkar as Simran and Avika Gor as Roli. The story centers on Simar and Roli, two sisters from Vrindavan. Simar's parents disagree with her dream of becoming a dancer.
Simar is set to marry Prem Bharadwaj, a successful businessman. Roli fills in for Simar while Simar is away competing in a dancing competition on the wedding day. Simar is running late, so Roli is compelled to marry Prem while dressed. Problems arise as a result of Simar and Prem starting to fall in love. Siddhant, Prem's brother who was kicked out of the house, enters. Following several detours, Simar-Prem and Roli-Siddhant marry. In the end, Bharadwaj's home accepts both Simar and Roli. She places a high value on the stability and joy of the family. She deals with many difficulties that life throws at her. She has a deep devotion to Goddess Durga. Because of that, she can handle anything.