Khushwant Walia is a renowned talented actor in the television industry. He was recognized for his role as Rubal Anuj Deewan in the Indian soap, Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara on STAR Plus. He is the son of Sheela (played by Sheetal Pandit) who returned to India after living outside the country for so many years.
He gained so many praises and appreciation for his appearance in this serial. Khushwant was not new to the glitziness of being an actor; in fact, he works as an Assistant Director in the 2011 action film, Bodyguard under the direction of Siddique with
Salman Khan
and Kareena Kapoor in the lead role. With Salman Khan’s suggestion, he initiated his career in the television industry. He and Salman usually talk about his plans along with Salman’s sister, Alvira and Atul, her husband who happened to be the co-producers of the film. They became good friends and they are still in touch even after doing Bodyguard.Â
Khushwant aspires to be an actor when he was young. He joined some drama clubs in his school and when he was in college, he started to focus more on acting. He auditioned for a show and finalized everything but it didn’t end up well, until STAR Plus offered him his role in Pyaar Ka Dard Hai Meetha Meetha Pyaara Pyaara. Khushwant recently guested as a journalist in and he interviewed his co-stars in Pyaar Ka Dard such as Kunickaa Sadanand and
Monica Khanna
. In 2013, Khushwant also essayed the role of the parallel male lead, Akshay in the drama soap,
Gustakh Dil
on Life OK.Â
Aside from doing the parallel role, he also wants to try doing a lead role someday. He is also open to do films in the future. Khushwant is one of the most behaved students of Kreating Charakters, an acting school in Mumbai. When he visits his old school, Khuswant was confused on whether to continue searching for a break in film or just accept television offers.
Samar Jai Singh
, a teacher of Kreating Charakters told him to just continue getting television assignments, and if he’s good, he will eventually be noticed and attain his goal in the big screen. Â
Khushwant is still single even though he admits that he is a very romantic type of person. He is also confident that when he finally meets someone, he is sure that he can make her feel special.