CID was a top-rated TV series that was originally broadcasted in Hindi on Sony Network. Directed and produced by B.P. Singh, this serial had over 1500 episodes, with each episode having a running time of 40-45 minutes. Crimes often pave their way into our lives by the silliest of sins. Often we see that a simple accident is probably caused due to the perfect planning of a criminal mastermind who always gets away with it making it all look like an accident that is a cold-blooded slaughter. “CID-Bengali,” premiered on Sony Aath, is the Bengali dubbed version of the TV serial and deals with the whole investigation process of the crimes shown in the episodes. The episodes focus on ACP Pradyuman, Inspector Abhijeet, Inspector Daya, Inspector Freddy, Inspector Purvi, and two forensic experts, Dr. Salunkhe and Dr. Tarika, who all work as a team the department solving the complicated and thrilling crimes they face every day.
Each episode is filled with thrill, suspense, and mild humor every once. No sooner had this series first come onto television had it become a people’s favorite, being a crime fiction thriller. Each episode portrays a different case with a malicious crime. The ACP, with his fellow inspectors, investigated the whole matter to stop anything like that from further happening. They often find clues and leads by using their intelligence and bringing it all before the forensics, where Dr. Salunkhe and his assistant manage to provide them with further information after some inspection and lab tests. After much investigation into the case, they tend to connect the dots and work out who the criminal is and who deserves justice.