Gullak is a popular Indian TV series that revolves around the Mishra family. There are three seasons and fifteen episodes in Gullak, with five episodes every season. It started airing on June 27 on Sony Live. It was created by Shreyansh Pandey Shreyansh Pandey is an Indian Content Strategy, Sh >> Read More... and received immense support from the Indian audience as it portrays the life of a middle-class family, which was relatable for most of the audience.  Its story focuses on the Mishra family, which consists of Santosh Mishra Santosh Mishra is a well-known Indian director, mu >> Read More... , played by Jameel Khan The only way one can fulfill their passion for som >> Read More... ; Shanti Mishra, played by Gitanjali Kulkarni; his oldest son Anand, played by Vaibhav Raj Gupta Vaibhav Raj Gupta is a struggling Bollywood artist >> Read More... ; and his youngest son Aman Mishra Aman Mishra is an Indian Television and film actor >> Read More... , played by Harsh Mayar Harsh Mayar is a talented teenager who has created >> Read More... .  Santosh Mishra works in the electricity department. Shanti Mishra is a housewife, while Anand Mishra Bio coming soon... >> Read More... is a graduate who is preparing for the SSC exam, and Aman Mishra is a school student who doesn’t like to study. The show also features Sunita Rajwar Sunita Rajwar was born on 6th November 1969, in H >> Read More... as their neighbour, who is a very fun character and, like every Indian neighbour, loves to collect inside information about her neighbour's family.
The second season of the series Gullak is a continuation of the first series and shows different parts of the life of a middle-class family, such as the bijali ka bil episode, which shows how an increased bijali (electricity) bill creates, Chaos in a middle class family and also an opportunity to earn money for Mishra ji as he works in that electricity department, episode 2 shows Shanti Mishra being diagnosed with diabetes which is very common in a middle class family and kitty party that is very popular among Indian women as they gather together to gossip and play fun games, ep 3 Â named sahpariwar shows how self respect is more important for a middle class family, ep 5 shows Aman Mishra the youngest son of Santosh Mishra has to give his boars exam and for that he has to study but he is confused as to study or watch IPL as both have to be done on the same day and it ends with boars result of Aman Mishra and job for Anand Mishra.