The web series ‘Typewriter’ is a supernatural series broadcast on Netflix. The story starts from Goa in the year 1983. A man named Madhav Mathew is seen writing on a typewriter ‘The Ghost of Sultanpore’. His granddaughter complains that someone is crying in her room under her bed. When he looks with his granddaughter takes him to see under her bed, he becomes surprised to see a duplicate of his granddaughter under the bed. The story then jumps to the present day where a group of children is sitting and discussing the same book. The news said that Madhav died at night when he wrote the book. Now the question these kids are trying to find is “Who wrote the book”. There are four members of the group. A girl named Sameera Anand, two boys named Devraj and Satyajit Tandon, and Sameera’s dog named ‘Buddy’. This is the ‘Ghost club’.
Their ghost club meetings take place at an unused boat that is owned by a man named Moses. Madhav Mathew lived in the Bardez Villa, where he wrote the book and died. The ghost club decides to find this ghost of the Sultanpore. A new family comes to live in the Bardez Villa. These new inmates are none other than Jenny Mathew, Madhav’s granddaughter. She is now married to Peter Fernandes and they have two kids. A boy named Nick aka Nikhil who is ten years old and a girl named Anya. The main policeman of the area is Ravi Anand, Sameera’s dad. Ravi takes the three kids to meet the new family in the Bardez Villa. The Fernandes family has shifted from Mumbai to this place. Jenny’s grandfather owned this villa. Anya sees someone on the top floor and goes to investigate it where she finds someone taking the typewriter with them. Jenny wants to throw the typewriter but Anya wants to keep it. A man named
Amit Roy
Amit Roy is an Indian Cinematographer, screenplay >>
is after the typewriter and sends a man to steal it. In the end, he kills that man whom he sent to steal as he blackmailed him to tell everyone if his full payment was not done.
Sam aka Sameera is seeing a documentary on ghosts on a channel named Doctor Spirit. She lost her mother when she was three years old. The principal complains to the parents of three ghost club members that they bunked the class. Nick joins their school and becomes friends with the members of the Ghost Club. Jenny goes to the police station to find about her nanny. Jenny gets freaked out when she hears the typewriter typing on her own. Maria is the housemaid of Bardez Villa, helping Jenny around. The ghost club’s maths teacher vanishes. A new teacher named Amit Roy comes to teach them. Amit is the one who wanted to steal the typewriter. Ravi is investigating the case of the man dead. He comes to know from James, the bar owner that Sara was Jenny’s nanny. He also tells Ravi that Carol, Jenny’s mother died of suicide, precisely she died by falling from the attic window, and that Sara, the nanny wanted to leave the house after Carol’s death but stayed just for the sake of little Jenny. He tells them the story of Madhav- the madman.
Madhav did black magic to draw inspiration for his horror stories as he was a writer. Sara’s husband, Moses, the boat owner where the kids meet, supplied dead bodies to Madhav for performing black magic. Now in the present time, Jenny is writing on the typewriter by Maria, who grabs her mop and starts doing her daily chores. But when the doorbell rings and Jenny come into the house, Maria gets frightened as she just saw her writing on the typewriter. Maria throws the mop and runs out of the house saying that the house is evil, in the Konkani language. Fake Jenny follows Maria out of the house and kills her by squeezing all the blood out of her heart. She can also speak Konkani when she told her husband that she cannot, which implies the fact that this was Fake Jenny. That means there are two Jennys living in Barde Villa. It is written in the book ‘The Ghosts of Sultanpore’ that if the ghost of Sultanpore kills enough souls before the blood moon, it will become powerful and unstoppable.
Inspector Anand goes to inspect the body of Maria. The doctor shows him that Maria’s blood from her heart has been squeezed out. It is revealed that Peter ran from Mumbai because he lost 25 Crore to Anita’s husband and has also slept with this Anita. Anand also interviews Jenny as she is the last person Maria met. Sara’s husband, Moses, has kept safely in his boathouse, a doll full of black magic, which Amit Roy had ordered him to keep for the past 30 years. This doll contains Fakeer’s soul as carved it himself before dying. Amit Roy is trying to revive Fakeer, a soul collector, who was arrested and hanged for many murders. All of them are waiting for the blood moon when Fakeer would be revived. The ghost club is deciding how to contact Maria’s soul in her funeral, meanwhile, Jenny asks around for her lost nanny. The police force has started its investigation of Maria’s death case in full force. The doll is not the only part in which Fakeer’s soul lives. Jenny is the only one who can kill Fakeer. These details are given by James. But fake Jenny reaches James before the real one and kills him.
Sameera has seen Jenny murdering James. She goes to the church to report it but gets surprised when she sees Jenny sitting there. The story shifts back to 1950 in the village of Sultanpore where a woman named Charu gets summoned by people who just want to die. She can kill people just by keeping her hand on their hearts. She can also see their ghosts leaving the body. Problems arise when a man she freed from his body, names his property to her. This angers the sons of this man. They capture Charu’s son Bali and tattoo Fakeer on his arm as a punishment for her mother’s deeds. The brothers beat Charu and Bali. But as they were trying to kill her, she uses her powers and squeezes blood from one of the brother’s hearts.
Bali asks her mom what she did but she is busy packing to leave her village as people would now know about her possessing powers. The villagers set fire to her hut. She tells Bali to run away from this village while she fought the villagers. She advises him never to do good for people and gives him her gift of killing people. She sacrifices her own self to protect her son and Bali sees the villagers kill her. Come to the present time, where Sam has bunked school to go and confront Jenny that she saw her killing James. But Jenny says that she did not do anything. Jenny comes to know that all the deaths are connected with her. Sameera tells her dad about seeing Jenny killing James. The story restarts in the year 1982 in Goa where Bali is all grown up and is wanted by the police. A police officer named Mala tracks the soul collector Fakeer and tells her seniors to come and arrest him. Fakeer has created an army of ghosts, from the souls he has killed, just as his mother wanted. He is explaining his plan of the blood moon to his army of souls. Fakeer has a wife and son. Police use his son to lure him out of his hiding. But Fakeer keeps on killing all the police officers by using his powers. His wife then advises the police force to cover his eyes as he can look into the souls and kill them. Thus Fakeer gets caught and is sentenced death as the police find a cluster of bodies of all the missing people in Fakeer’s basement. The story ends and in the present time, Nick and Sam have a fight regarding Nick’s mom. Jenny finds Sara’s home.
Sam befriends Moses. Sara tells Jenny the story while Moses tells Sameera. The story goes like this. Madhav ran out of ideas to write and was on the peak of madness. He was always in a bad mood. Unfortunately, he read in the newspaper about the soul collector Fakeer. As a horror genre writer, he naturally was curious and wanted to know Fakeer’s story. When Madhav goes to meet Fakeer, his eyes were covered so that he could not use his powers. They make a deal in exchange for his story. Fakeer asks for a piece of wood from Madhav in exchange for telling his story. As Madhav kept on writing Fakeer’s story, Fakeer kept on carving a wooden doll from the piece of wood Madhav bought for him. Madhav wanted to take Jenny to the prison on Fakeer’s orders as Fakeer promised him to show his powers if he bought his granddaughter to the prison. Carol threatens to kill her own life if Madhav dare took her daughter to the prison. Madhav, after typing Fakeer’s life story, thinks that all of this is rubbish and tells the police officer to burn the pages he wrote. Madhav does exactly what Fakeer wanted him to do. The writer’s curiosity becomes Madhav’s ending. Madhav wanted to see if Fakeer comes back from dead as he claimed he would. So he asks Moses to bring his body inside his home after he is hanged. Fakeer’s body becomes alive again and kills the policeman. Madhav smashes Fakeers’ head with his typewriter. Thus Fakeer also gets trapped in the typewriter. Carol died from splitting her skull as she was pushed from the window.
The ghost club meets the Doctor Spirit. Jenny again hears the typewriter working on its own and is surprised to meet her duplicate. The typewriter injured young Jenny when she used it. In this way, the typewriter stole her blood and created Jenny’s copy. But the next day someone steals the typewriter. Doctor spirit has the typewriter as he becomes intrigued when he listened to Sameera’s story and wants it. Sam told him the story to take advice from him but he, on the orders of Amit Roy, steals it. The kids have to find it before tomorrow, the blood moon. Meanwhile, Moses agrees to tell everything to the police and gives them the doll too. He gives a description of Amit Roy. Anand comes to interview him and tell him that he is a fake Amit Roy. The real one has been missing from the day he arrived to teach in the school. Amit runs away with the typewriter. But Anand just manages to capture the typewriter. Jenny goes to explore the attic where her mother died from while Nick and Sameera befriend each other once again. Sam and her friends take away the typewriter from the police station in order to destroy it. Amit Roy still manages to capture Doctor Spirit and kills him. They all arrive at the Bardoz Villa ie, Amit Roy, Fake Jenny, the Ghost club, and the real Jenny. Fake Jenny and Amit Roy are trying to return Fakeer. The fake Jenny also tries to kill Sameera and tells Jenny that when young Jenny’s blood dropped on the typewriter a fake jenny was created by Fakeer and he was invoked.
Carol wanted to take Jenny away from this house but fake Jenny killed her. The children plan to distract Amit Roy so one asks to go to the washroom while others create a ruckus. Meanwhile, Sameera takes the typewriter and runs. Jenny fights her fake part as her weakness is the fake one’s weakness. She brings her to the attic where she killed her mom and decides to end this for one and all. The fake one throws the real one and promises to instead use her children’s blood to bring back Fakeer. The children meanwhile, with the help of inspector Anand set fire to the van containing the typewriter and the fake Amit goes down the mountainside with the van, trying to save the typewriter. In this way fake Jenny gets destroyed. The real Jenny tries to destroy the doll Fakeer created, but it jumps out of the flames to attack her. Moses is in the hospital after the attack. He and the ghost club have become friends. In the end, it is shown that Amit, who is actually Fakeer’s son, is still on the verge of death and he gives his blood willingly to the typewriter who reconstructs itself. In the end, Peter comes home with a blood-stained shirt with him and fake Jenny is still shown alive.