“Vijay,” the Thalapathy for his fans, has been celebrating the success of “
” that collected Rs 200 crores at the box office. The film is expected to collect more in the theaters worldwide this weekend too. Meanwhile, the Sarkar team celebrated the success of the film silently in a beach resort in Chennai. They celebrated it with a cake cutting ceremony and took a lot of selfies too. In the photos, we could spot Thalapathy Vijay with a twirled moustache. Probably, it will be for his next film with
Atlee Kumar
. Like “
,” Atlee might have made a rural portion, is the guess by the netizens. “
” is said to have been brought on board and this is her second film with Vijay and Atlee. Nayan has played in “Villu” as the heroine and also had appeared in a song in “Sivakasi.” Let us wait for Atlee to speak about Vijay 63 genre.