Vijay Deverakonda, the Pelli Choopulu, Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam hero makes his debut in Tamil film industry with “NOTA.” During the film launch, Vijay didn’t know to speak in Tamil, but he was confident that he would learn the language soon. He proved it on the day itself, by reciting Thirukkural. As he said, Vijay has learned Tamil within a short time and made his Tamil speech at NOTA Press Meet. He spoke in Tamil and concluded his speech with a beautiful Thirukkural. Vijay Deverakonda also said that like the Tamilnadu youth, who commented that they are Marana Waiting for his NOTA, he is also Marana Waiting for it. The film directed by Anand Shankar has Mehrene Kaur Pirzada, Sanchana Natarajan, “Sathyaraj,” “Nassar,” “Karunakaran,” MS Bhaskar and Bigg Boss fame Yashika Anand along with Vijay Deverakonda. Gnanavel Raja produces the film in Tamil and Telugu.