Karthik Subbaraj, who directed “Pizza,” “Jigarthanda” and “Iraivi,” got a golden opportunity to direct Superstar “Rajinikanth” in his next. The film titled “Petta” has the star cast of “Simran,” Vijay Sethupathi, Trisha Krishnan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Bobby Simha, “M Sasikumar,” “J Mahendran,” Megha Akash and many others. The film has the music composition of Anirudh Ravichander. Kalanithi Maran produces the film on a large scale. The film wrapped up yesterday. It was planned to be wrapped up on 6th November. But, Karthik Subbaraj wrapped it up before 16 days. Rajini is overwhelmed with the work of the entire team and praised them. Yesterday Rajini cut the wrap up cake and distributed it to the team. Anirudh was also seen on the spot with the cast and crew. Rajini was spotted in the young get up, which we saw him in the Petta Second Look Poster.