Tamil Film Producers Council election has been planned for 5th March 2017. The final list of the contestants will be announced on 8th February, says justice Rajeshwaran, who has been appointed by the Madras High Court as the in charge of the Producers Council elections. When a complaint has been made to Rajeshwaran regarding Vishal’s nomination petition, he has temporarily stopped the petition. He said that as per the guidelines of the court, the decision to accept or reject Vishal’s petition would be made. As Vishal is the General Secretary of Nadigar Sangam, he is not supposed to contest in the Producers’ Council election, says a team of Producers.
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Tamil Film Producers Council election has been planned for 5th March 2017. The final list of the contestants will be announced on 8th February, says justice Rajeshwaran, who has been appointed by the Madras High Court as the in charge of the Producers Council elections. When a complaint has been made to Rajeshwaran regarding Vishal’s nomination petition, he has temporarily stopped the petition. He said that as per the guidelines of the court, the decision to accept or reject Vishal’s petition would be made. As Vishal is the General Secretary of Nadigar Sangam, he is not supposed to contest in the Producers’ Council election, says a team of Producers.