Tamil Film Producers Council election will be held on 5th March. People, who are contesting for the President of Tamil Film Producers Council are R. Radhakrishnan, K. Kodandaramaiah, “
T Siva
Prakash Raj
, “Kalaipuli G Sekaran,”
Vishal Reddy
and Jaya Krishnan. In this contestants list, Vishal’s nomination petition has been put on hold, as he is already holding a post in Nadigar Sangam. Jaya Krishnan’s petition has been rejected. For the post of General Secretary, eight contestants have filed the nomination. For the post of Vice President, nine people have filed the nomination. The petition of
Babu Ganesh
has been put on hold. For the post of the Treasurer, five people are contesting and for the executive committee, 97 people are contesting, among which Dhanjayan’s petition has been rejected, as he is not a producer.