“Jayalalithaa,” the versatile actress turned a politician and became the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. She was announced dead on 5th December 2016 in Apollo Hospitals due to cardiac arrest. Now, the biopic on Jayalalithaa has been announced and it will be directed by Priyadarshini, who had been assisting “
” in a few films. The biopic on Jayalalithaa is titled as
The Iron Lady
. It was said that
Varalaxmi Sarathkumar
would be playing a pivotal role in the movie and the actress confirmed it through her Tweet. But, she said that she was not informed about her role in the film. Now, it is said that
Nithya Menen
would be playing the role of Jayalalithaa. The rest of the cast and crew will be announced soon and the shooting will roll on the floors on 24th February 2019, the birth anniversary of Madam Jayalalithaa.