“Mersal” audio launch went on fine yesterday. Many celebrities took part in the event and shared their views on Mersal song and “Vijay.” The film directed by Atlee Kumar has SJ Surya, Nithya Menen, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Kajal Aggarwal, Misha Ghoshal, “Vadivelu,” Kovai Sarala, “Sathyan” and Yogi Babu. Shanthanu Bhagyaraj, an ardent fan of Vijay danced on the stage for Vijay in the audio launch event. Mahat Raghavendra also shook his legs on the stage. At the audio launch, Atlee revealed that the teaser of the film would be released in two weeks and the work is going on. So, Vijay fans are getting ready to trend the teaser as Ajith fans did it for “Vivegam.”