A few days back, Savukku online accused LYCA Productions of piracy and said that Tamilrockers and LYCA are the same. Following this LYCA released a statement today. In that statement, it explained that Tamil gun, the online piracy site had been operating the sites Lycamovie.com and Lycamovies.com in 2014. As they didn’t renew the domain, LYCA Productions acquired the domain, explained the LYCA Team. They also explained that Lycamovie.com is now redirected to Lycaproductions.in. The LYCA team also says that the allegations are baseless and have been spread in an intention to defame the banner name. The LYCA Production banner distributed
Irumbu Thirai
Vishal Reddy
and Samantha Akkineni and has been gearing up to release Superstar “
” movie Kaala Karikalan produced by “
.” The production banner has committed producing
Kamal Haasan
and “
S Shankar
” movie “Indian 2.”