Following the Disproportionate Case, “Jayalalithaa,” the late CM of Tamilnadu, had been released from yet another case. A case was filed against Jayalalithaa in 1992 for getting Rs. 2 Crore worth gifts illegally on her birthday. CBI filed a case in this regard and the case had been going on for decades. In this case, “
K A Sengottaiyan
” and Azhagu Thirunavukkarasu were also charged. As Jayalalithaa and Azhagu Thirunavukkarasu are no more, both of them have been relieved from the case. Earlier in 2006, the Madras High Court dismissed the case. But, the CBI appealed the case in Supreme Court. Although Jayalalithaa is relieved from the DA case, “
V K Sasikala
” and the other two are sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment and fine of Rs. 10 Crores. If Jayalalithaa had been there, she might have to face the convictions in these cases. After her death, the state is confronted with a lot of troubles including the hydrocarbon extraction, NEET and much more.