“Baahubali,” the film has created a lot of records in the Indian film history. Now, it is gearing up to bring yet another feather to its cap. Yes, the sequel to Baahubali is gearing up for the release on 28th April 2017. Day by day, the expectations on the film have been going up. Recently, it is reported that the film will be screened at the British Film Institute. To celebrate the seventy years of Indian Independence in England, the BFI has arranged for this cultural combo. It is heard that the England Queen, Elizabeth II would watch the film along with Indian Prime Minister,
Narendra Modi
. Yet, the confirmation is expected from the film team and the government. Baahubali directed by “S. S. Rajamouli” has “
Anushka Shetty
, Tamannah Bhatia,
Rana Daggubati
Ramya Krishnan
, “
” and “