Actor Raghu Mukherjee and Actress Anu Prabhakar tied the knot on the 25th of April 2016. None of the fans knew that the two were dating each other. Their wedding was a big surprise to the whole industry. Only a few close friends and relatives of the couple witnessed the marriage. Both of them were divorcees. Raghu now believes that he has found the right companion at last.
Actor of “Rangi Tharanga” fame Nirup Bhandari got married to Dhanya on March 28th 2016 in Mysore. Yes, girls, this actor is no more single. The couple tied the knot in the presence of their relatives and very few friends from the industry. The wedding was graced by some famous actors of Sandalwood. Dhanya was Nirup’s childhood sweetheart. Dhanya is a software professional. She is currently working in the US.
Actor Patre Ajith and Chandana entered into wedlock on the 28th of March 2016 at Palace grounds, Bangalore. It was a love cum arranged marriage. Chandana was his long time girlfriend. Many celebrities witnessed the wedding. Ajith, son of Pramila Naidu, a BJP leader, is a lawyer. But he chose to act rather. His most famous movie was “Patre loves Padma”.
The couple tied the nuptial knot on the 25th of October 2015 at Palace grounds. Many actors, as well as politicians, were present at their marriage ceremony. Ragini Ramachandran is a model and a ballet dancer as well. She belongs to the Iyer community while Prajwal is a Vokkaliga. Hence, the marriage had both kinds of rituals. From this, we can understand that it was a love marriage indeed.
Actress Roopashree married Neeraj, a Businessman, and native of Kolkata. They tied the knot on the 26th of November 2015. The marriage took place in Kolkata followed by a reception in Bangalore on the 28th of November at Indiranagar. It was a South Indian style wedding. Neeraj gifted her a diamond necklace as well as a flat in Kolkata. Lucky woman, isn’t she? Many celebrities and relatives were seen at the Reception. Roopashree has acted in movies like Chaddi Dosth Click to look into! >> Read More... , Cigarette, and Sankranthi.
Actor Mayur Patel and Kavya, the daughter of Mangalore Deputy Commissioner N. Shiva Swamy, entered into marital bliss on 29th of November 2015 at Palace Grounds, Bangalore. It was a love cum arranged marriage. Besides their relatives, a lot of actors and politicians including Chief Minister Siddaramaiah were seen at the reception. Mayur has also worked as a Radio Jockey before. He has acted in movies like Mani, Muniya, Slum and so on. He also participated in Big Boss season 2. So these were some of the Actors and Actresses who are no more single. Let’s wish them all a happy married life. Hope they find the key to a Happy Marriage.