Big Boss is a popular reality show of India, which is also considered to be the most controversial show on Television. The reality show has always created a buzz among the audiences because of its contestants and their daily controversies. However, the Show has been the No. 1 Show throughout its nine consecutive seasons. This is the only show where there are so much of controversies as the celebs were always involved in some or the other alleged controversial affairs within the house which is mostly related to contestants getting intimate. Following this, below I have mentioned the names of the contestants who get intimate on the show.
These two people had brought a significant change in the show. It is due to Veena Mallick and Ashmit Patel that the show timings were changed from 9 P.M to 11 P.M. These two people throughout their Big Boss journey have been under the light of controversies for their acts in the house. Well, these two people have definitely changed the way the show functions before their entry. After the Big Boss stint by Veena Mallick and Aashmit Patel they have influenced and opened a path for much more and among them, one is
Aarman Kohli And Tanisha Mukherjee This is yet another couple of Big Boss who have sensationalized the shows input on National Television. Tanisha Mukherjee despite coming from a big film family gets involved in extreme intimacy with the actor Aarman Kohli, who was quite big in age than her. These two people were found in unwanted situations several times in the camera and were warned a lot many times by Big Boss himself. The couple was making headlines for their alleged relation inside the Big Boss house. Similar to these couples mentioned above, the winner of Big Boss Season 8 Gautam Gulati A young, handsome, and most-talented hero look guy >> Read More... And Diandra Soares Diandra Soares is a popular Indian celebrity who h >> Read More... has gotten into extreme intimacy on national television.
Gautam Gulati and Diandra were among those couples who have once again created a buzz on national television for their constant intimacy on the show. These two have gone through lip locks to sensuous body massage all on national television. Gautam and Diandra were once again among the couples who have been intimate on National Television and has sensationalized the show’s content. Similar to Diandra and Gautam is Upen Patel Upen patel is a well known film actor in Indian fi >> Read More... And Karishma Tanna Karishma Tanna is an Indian Television actress bor >> Read More... .
The couple is another to this list who have been found in intimate situations several times by Big Boss. The two were also a lot many times given intimation by Big Boss as well. They have been under a lot of speculations and controversies throughout their Big Boss journey. However, nothing could stop them, and they continued with their bold acts within the house. Well, these couples have changed the basic format of the show with their bold acts and on television intimacy with other co-contestants of Big Boss House. They have their story marked in the history of Big Boss for sure.