Who Was Jiah Khan
Bollywood Career
Where Did She Kill Herself
Who Is The Primary Accused
Possibility Of A Murder
His Texts
The Actual Killing
The Money Matters
The Career Matters
Cheating Troubles
The Baby
The Abortion
Fact Fabrication
What Does He Have To Say
His Love For Jiah
About The Abortion
What Is The Situation Now
Jason James Pynes
The Marks Around Her Neck
The Pancholi’s Reply
Jiah Khan
Jiah Khan was a British-American actress, singer >>
recently committed suicide shaking the entire industry. Big names came to attend the funeral and many presented their views, on whether she did the right thing or not. What this will not change is that the actress is gone now and there is nothing that anyone can do about it. What is worse is that the case is still struggling in the court, despite there being clear indications of who is guilty in the suicide note left behind by the actress.
Jiah Khan was an actress who played roles in Hindi films, was original of British American descent. Born in
New York
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on 20th of February 1988, the actress was all of 25 when she died on 3rd December 2013 in Juhu, Mumbai. She is survived by her mother and two younger sisters Kavita and Karishma. Her family is well etched in the film industry of Pakistan too, where her paternal aunts were Pakistani heroines.
She was set to make her debut at 16, but backed out when she felt that the character was too mature for someone of her age. Again at 18, she got the chance to debut alongside
Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan was born on October 11, 1942 in A >> Read More...
in the film ‘
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’ which sparked many controversies. She then received favourable reviews from critics and was cast alongside
Asin Thottumkal
Asin Thottumkal more famously known as Asin, is a >> Read More...
Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan or Mohammed Aamir Hussain Khan is Bolly >> Read More...
in the film ‘
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’. Her third, and last film was ‘
Sajid Khan
Sajid Khan is a Bollywood director, producer and e >> Read More...
’s ‘
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’ where she had a small role.
In her Juhu residence, the actress lost her life somewhere around 11:45 pm. Her sister Kavita and mother were not at home when this happened, and the possibility of a murder cannot be ruled out even though the CBI reported that it was a case of suicide.
The primary accused is
Sooraj Pancholi
Sooraj Pancholi is the new chocolate face hero who >> Read More...
, Jiah Khan’s boyfriend for a long time before her death and
Aditya Pancholi
Aditya Pancholi is one of the well known actors o >> Read More...
’s son. Soon after the suicide, he made his debut in ‘
Salman Khan
Salman Khan is a very famous Indian actor and a pr >> Read More...
’s ‘
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’ with
Athiya Shetty
Athiya Shetty is the star kid of the famous Bollyw >> Read More...
Jiah Khan’s body was found hanging to a ceiling fan, but the marks on her body sparked the suspicion that it may be a murder. The marks around her neck and the post mortem report also suggested that she had been suffocated with a leather belt. Jiah’s mother too has constantly maintained that it is a murder rather than suicide and believes Sooraj to be the murderer.
The couple had gotten into a heated conversation before the actress lost her life. Sooraj sent Jiah a bouquet of flowers for bagging an item number and two films, after which he left for a hotel for dinner, which he claimed was with a jewelry designer. However, when Jiah called up the jewelry designer, she came to know that Sooraj and the designer were to meet the next morning. This was followed up by a few heated conversations over the phone and Jiah even went to his house only to return without meeting him. Then he sent her a series of graphically abusive texts, which went unanswered as Jiah had already died.
Maybe someday it will be proved that Sooraj did not kill or ask his goons to kill Jiah. However, what will always be a fact that he killed Jiah long before she actually died. He killed her each and every day. She wrote very clearly in her suicide note that he made her feel worthless. He killed her ambition, her desire, her passion and took away from her everything that she had ever lived for.
The actress had stated in her suicide note that she had been spending a lot of money on Sooraj. A birthday trip to Goa was mentioned, where the actor had cheated on her, but she still stayed with him, celebrated with him even though he had ruined everything including Christmas. The actress also wrote that she was always ready to spend whatever money she had on him, but he could never mend his cheating ways.
Jiah explicitly states that her loss in her career and her loss of ambition tore away her soul. She also stated that she has had to face rape, torture and abuse, none of which she deserved. In her previous letters that have surfaced she states that all she wants from him is to not be taken for granted, to be shown love and appreciation, none of which she feels in their relationship.
Jiah writes continuously about cheating in her letter. Sooraj cheated on her several times, lied to her on her face, and did not get engaged to her after having promised that they would do so as soon as they had been together for a year. Moreover, Sooraj Pancholi also disrespected her family, refused to meet her sister and snatched away her happiness while destroying her future. All he cared about in his life was women and partying while she wanted to focus on her work and on him.
When Jiah found out she was four months pregnant and informed Sooraj Pancholi about it, they approached a doctor who gave her drugs for abortion. This did not work, so the approached a gynecologist, who gave stronger drugs. Then after taking the drugs at home, Jiah started Hemorrhaging.
When Sooraj got to know of the abortion he rushed to her side and called the doctor who asked her to be brought to hospital as she needed immediate attention. What had happened was that the baby had been aborted, but it had not come out of her system. But Sooraj did not want to risk letting the world know of their relationship. So, he cleared the fetus himself and threw it in the toilet.
When Sooraj was initially contacted and the facts that were later revealed had not as yet been revealed, the actor tried his best to conceal facts and provide incomplete statements. The police further added that he refused to be a part of any scientific test and was trying his best to conceal the reason behind the last argument between the two.
Sooraj refuses to admit that he was wrong in what he did to the actress and claims that she was attention seeking. He describes his time in jail like it was a story told to children and makes himself a hero in every question he is asked about her. Sooraj also does not talk about the abusive text messages or the heated discussion that happened between them that was overheard by his domestic help.
Sooraj Pancholi states that he has only loved Jiah Khan. He paints her in a bad light, stating that she was obsessed with him, would frequently hurt herself and do things just to grab his attention, and then he would try to sugar coat it by adding that he loved her even as she was suffering. His mother told him to take care of her so he did it. And he fell in love with her even though she would keep troubling him. It is hard to tell if he is expressing his love for her or trying to demean her.
The actor claims that although there were physical relationships between Jiah and him, he was not present during the abortion. In fact, he claims to have had no knowledge about the pregnancy. He said that she told her cycle was late, they went to a doctor who gave her medicines so she would get her period. Also, if there was a baby, and if it can be proven to be his, he will accept it. This, after repeatedly mentioning how she was obsessed with him.
As of now, the court proceeding are on. The speculations of murder have been crossed, but a private investigator hired by Jiah’s mother states that the reports by the government body who are handling Jiah’s case is inaccurate in many places and hides or tempers with a lot of facts.
The investigator is from the United Kingdom and has quite a lot to say. He makes it clear in his report that hanging was staged. The injuries on her lower lips during her death were said to be a cause of friction of her own teeth, but were actually due to force, like the one applied during punching someone.
The marks found around her neck are said by the forensic experts to be a result of the slippage of dupatta, but Jason begs to differ. He states that the marks around her neck are too well defined to have been caused by something like a dupatta or its slippage. He believes that the report by the forensics has been tampered with a strong motive to do so can be to hide a murder and make it look like a suicide.
Aditya Pancholi, Sooraj Pancholi’s father has given out a statement that he does not believe that the court will accept Jason’s reports as he is a private investigator who has been paid. However, it is highly unlikely for any court to ignore such a report.