VTV Ganesh is a renowned Tamil film actor, comedian, and producer. He was born as Ganesh Janardhanan in Villupuram, Tamil Nadu, India. He became popular for his hoarse voice. Ganesh has appeared in many of Silambarasan’s films. He was debuted in Gautham Menon Gautham Vasudev Menon is known for his directional >> Read More... ’s Tamil musical romantic drama film, Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa is an Indian-Tamil musica >> Read More... (2010). His performance as a cinematographer, who assisted Silambarasan in connecting with Trisha Krishnan’s character in the film, earned him a nomination at the Vijay Award for Best Supporting Actor.
This is also the time when he decided to change his name to VTV, which he got from the film’s initials. Ganesh was also one of the producers of this film and Gautham Menon asked him to play the role of Simbu’s friend. Prior to VTV, he played small roles in films like Red Click to look into! >> Read More... (2002), Vettaiyaadu Vilaiyaadu (2006), Pachaikili Muthucharam (2007), and Vaaranam Aayiram (2008). In 2010, he made a guest appearance in the song Manasaa for Gautham Menon’s Telugu romantic drama film, Ye Maaya Chesave.
The following year, he co-produced the Tamil drama film, Vaanam, where he also acted alongside Silambarasan. In 2012, Ganesh played the role of Silambaran’s uncle in Vignesh Shivan’s Tamil romantic musical film, Podaa Podi Click to look into! >> Read More... and bagged two nominations for Best Comedian at the Vijay Award and SIIMA Award. In 2014, he starred, penned, and produced Vincent Selva’s Tamil comedy film, Inga Enna Solluthu. He was later cast in few more films including Kappal (2014), Romeo Juliet Click to look into! >> Read More... (2015), Vaaliba Raja Click to look into! >> Read More... (2016), Motta Shiva Ketta Shiva (2017), and more. His last film appearance was in Prashanth G Sekar’s Tamil action crime thriller film, Yaanum Theeyavan Click to look into! >> Read More... (2017).
Another Version Of Bio Added :
Ganesh Janardhanan aka VTV Ganesh is a popular Indian actor, comedian, producer, a screenwriter working predominantly in the Tamil film Industry. Born on December 21, 1961, in the Tamil Nadu, India he is best known for playing supporting actor in several films. He debuted with the movie named 'Red,' directed by Singampuli after which he acted in more than 30 films.
His roles in the movies like 'Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa,' 'Podaa Podi,'Vaanam,' and 'Vaaranam Aayiram' were praised, thus gaining him fame. Ganesh also produced and acted in the film named ' Inga Enna Solludhu Click to look into! >> Read More... .' Ganesh's upcoming work includes 'Takkar' and 'Iruttu' which will hopefully release in 2019.