Home Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer



Divya Padmini Tamil TV-Actress
Born: 17 June 1986

Age Now 38

Divya Padmini - (TV-Actress)

Rahul Pendkalkar Hindi Child Artist
Born: 17 June 2001

Age Now 23

Rahul Pendkalkar - (Child Artist)

Sindhu Menon Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 17 June 1985

Age Now 39

Sindhu Menon - (Movie Actress)

Anjolie Ela Menon Malayalam Artists
Born: 17 June 1940

Age Now 84

Anjolie Ela Menon - (Artists)

Sona Mohapatra Hindi Singer
Born: 17 June 1976

Age Now 48

Sona Mohapatra - (Singer)

Lisa Haydon Hindi Movie Actress
Born: 17 June 1986

Age Now 38

Lisa Haydon - (Movie Actress)

Anup Kumar Bengali Movie Actor
Born: 17 June 1930

Lived For 67 Years

Anup Kumar - (Movie Actor)

Vinay Apte Hindi TV-Actor
Born: 17 June 1951

Lived For 61 Years

Vinay Apte - (TV-Actor)


Graphic Designer Has Myriad Creativity

A graphic designer is someone who is good in digital and graphical technology. They create graphic designs for films and motion pictures. He/ she are good at drawing and sketching and make digital designs that can be used in different places. Graphics are seen in films, tv shows, events, video games etc. They work with typography and digital imaging. A graphic designer can make designs for visual or any written material. They make the overall design and layout for the clients. Their line of work shows creativity and artistic work.

Graphics are combined to make them look like a continuous series of motion pictures. They even help fix errors in interfacing, Web designing, and other graphic illustrations. They make use of colors and logos and eye- catching patterns. The graphic designers’ main task is to get the message of the design across easily. Graphic Designers then collect information about the project and analyze it. They convert into graphics and visual stories to help understand the message better.