Dany Garcia was born on 29th of November in the year 1968 in Belleville, New Jersey, USA (United States of America). Currently, she is 48 years of age.
She has completed her education from the University of Miami. She is well-known for movies and TV shows like Wake up Call, Snitch, Big Trouble in Little China, etc. She is married to
Dwayne Johnson
Born on 2nd May 1972 in California, Dwayne Johnson >> Read More...
in the year 1997 and divorced him in the year 2007. Later on, she married Dave Rienzi in the year 2014. She has a daughter named “Simone Alexandra Johnson” who was born on 14th of August in the year 2001. She is currently 15 years of age. Garcia has completed her degree of Bachelors from the University of Miami in International Marketing and Finance. After that, she did a job at Merrill Lynch to increase her knowledge in finance. Later on, she became the vice president of the company.
After that, she found her wealth management company named “JDM Partners LLC.” She also had an interest in investing funds and has invested in many business start-ups and companies including Cava Mediterranean Grill restaurants. Dany is the founder of “The Garcia Companies.” It is a media and talent management company. It is a production company which is founded by Garcia along with her ex-husband named “Dwayne Johnson” also known as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson who was also her business partner. The company headed by Garcia manages talent, projects, and brands which have the capability of reaching the audiences around the world. In the Entertainment industry, Dany Garcia has 17 years of experience. She brings all this experience to “The Garcia Companies.”
She is also the president of this company. Along with her clients, Garcia is working hard to grow her company’s reputation. Dany Garcia has worked in a series named “
Serial story coming soon...
” as an executive producer. It was made in a genre of comedy and action telecasted on “HBO” starring her ex-husband named “Dwayne Johnson.” This series was a big hit. She has produced a film named “BAYWATCH” which was film adaption of TV series of the same name. She has also produced a series named “Rock the Troops” which was telecast on the channel named “Spike TV” under the banner of Seven Bucks Productions. Garcia is a hard working woman who works over 50 different projects at a time. Along with this, Garcia manages the diverse talents, and maintain good relations with her clients to achieve the goals.
She gives her 100% in every kind of work. She gives her clients an edge to win over their competitor, and to stand out whether that is in publishing, television, brand integrated content or commercials. At the #5th Annual Leadership Conference, Garcia was selected by WICT (Women in Cable Telecommunications) in the year 2015. She was invited as a guest panelist, and there were around 1000 female media leaders were present for empowering and motivational discussion. Garcia herself is a professional bodybuilder. She brought her female role model, her expertise as an athlete, and media executive to have a powerful discussion at the conference.