Folco Lulli was a film actor from Italy. He was born on 3rd July 1912 in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. He appeared in some films between the year 1946 and 1970. He was the son of Gino Lulli who was a baritone. His mother was Ada Toccafondi. He was also the brother of actor Piero Lulli. He was a part of the war in Ethiopia advancing antifascist ideals. He later became a part of the partisans, the Badoklian blue Brigade of the 1st Alpine Group Division. It was commanded and authorized by Enrico Martini.
It operated in the Langhe which was located between Mombarcaro and Murazzano, where he played a significant role. A meeting took place in Val Casotto which was a village of Pamparato. Most of his activities were recorded in the meeting along with many soldiers, officers, NGOs and General Perotti. The meeting was held October 1943. Lulli was in Val Casotto for many months. Here he took charge of the detachment of a small hamlet on the slopes of Mount Alpet. He was later captured by the Germans. He was taken to Germany, but he managed to escape and come back to Italy after the war was over.
He was eventually discovered by Alberto Lattuada. In 1946, Folco was asked to act in the movie ‘
The Gunman
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’ by Albert Lattuada. He served the Italian cinema for a long time. In the year 1967, he directed and wrote People of Honor which was a story about the mafia. He has acted in a lot of movies such as The Great War and For Love and Gold in 1959 and 1953 respectively. He has also acted in movies like The Wages of Fear in 1953, The Organizer in 1963 and The Count of Monte Cristo in 1954.
Some other movies include the Sign of Rome, No Peace Under the Olive Tree, The Longest Hunt, Lightening Bolt, Romulus and the Sabines and Between God, the Devil and a Winchester. He later started suffering from breathing difficulties and diabetes. He was hospitalized for twenty days due to thrombophlebitis. He expired at the age of 57 on 23rd May 1970 in Rome, Italy because of a heart attack. He was a very well-known Italian actor who played a very active role in both Italian and French cinema. He also held degrees in philosophy and law. He was also famous for his intense voice on screen.