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Assistant Director



Divya Padmini Tamil TV-Actress
Born: 17 June 1986

Age Now 38

Divya Padmini - (TV-Actress)

Rahul Pendkalkar Hindi Child Artist
Born: 17 June 2001

Age Now 23

Rahul Pendkalkar - (Child Artist)

Sindhu Menon Malayalam Movie Actress
Born: 17 June 1985

Age Now 39

Sindhu Menon - (Movie Actress)

Anjolie Ela Menon Malayalam Artists
Born: 17 June 1940

Age Now 84

Anjolie Ela Menon - (Artists)

Sona Mohapatra Hindi Singer
Born: 17 June 1976

Age Now 48

Sona Mohapatra - (Singer)

Lisa Haydon Hindi Movie Actress
Born: 17 June 1986

Age Now 38

Lisa Haydon - (Movie Actress)

Anup Kumar Bengali Movie Actor
Born: 17 June 1930

Lived For 67 Years

Anup Kumar - (Movie Actor)

Vinay Apte Hindi TV-Actor
Born: 17 June 1951

Lived For 61 Years

Vinay Apte - (TV-Actor)


Assistant Director Should Be Crisis Solver

Assistant directors are also popularly known as AD’s. They work directly with the director of the movie and assist in preparing and coordinating on the set, schedule and script. Assistant directors will have primary Assistant Director, Secondary Assistant Director and so on. These members belong to the AD team who will help the Assistant director by doing various jobs. The director of the film is solely dependent on the assistant director to get all the production process done and they concentrate exclusively on the creativity of the film leaving the other work to the AD.

Assistant directors work with the director to create the storyboard and plan the order and schedule for shooting various scenes. They assist the hiring and recruiting the cast and crew manage the safety and health of the cast and crew. Working hours of AD could be long and pressurizing. They may or may not get any holidays and should work continuously. No academic education is required but a practical experience is necessary. They can start their career by doing small work on the set and then rise up to Second or First AD. And the Assistant Director should be flexible and should be good crisis manager.