Cult A Way is an annual college festival hosted by Sree Chitra Thirunal College of Engineering (SCT), Thiruvananthapuram. The events were captured by the channel DD Malayalam in the year 2017. The event was started in the year 2011 and is held every year since then in the months February-March. The fest invites students from colleges all over the state to participate in their mind-blowing celebrations. The celebrations last for about four to five days. The professors also enjoyed the events along with the students. College is one of the most important experiences of a person. The time one spent in their college is unforgettable. It is an age-old practice of colleges to conduct college fest and similar cultural programmes.
The entire college unites as one to participate in the event and make it memorable for everyone. With the availability of internet, it has become easier to contact people from other colleges and bring all those people together. It is always fun meeting new people and widening your friend circle. College fest provides exactly that plus a lot more fun. Adding a bit of Indian culture to the fest made it more memorable and more acceptable to the professors and other staff. Cult A Way 2017 was the seventh function held by the college. Every year, the college arranges events like technical workshops, treasure hunts, quizzes, and cultural events. The cultural events include dances, singing, fashion shows, and stall games. A few days before the event, the students release a promo, giving a glimpse of what to be expected from the event.
The inaugural is always conducted during the night. The seventh-year event was named ‘Septum Sacramentum’. The entire college is decorated with lights, and the ground was decorated with handing candle-like light, which gave it a magical appearance. The curtain raiser in 2017, i.e., the opening act of the event, was a dance performance that lasted for eight minutes. Four groups gave a fusion performance back-to-back and rocked the stage together at the end. The event then proceeded to light candles to commence the celebration. It then proceeded to other performances. The technical workshops included learning the latest developments in the computer industry and instant projects, which were conducted during the day.
This segment provides knowledge and also included certificates which make one’s CV look good. The treasure hunts and quizzes were also conducted during the day. All cultural events took place in the night. In the fashion show, students dress up according to the given theme and walk up and down the ramp. Singing involved individual and group performances by the students. There was a concert one night for which the flautist, Rasika Shekar Rasika was born in Dubai but she later moved to >> Read More... was invited to perform. She sang Malayalam songs while her crew, the guitarist, keyboard player, and drummer, provided her with the music. A huge number of students attended the concert, danced and sang along with the singers, and made it a big hit.