Gandharva Sangeetham is a music reality show initiated by Kairali TV as a standing tribute to K J Yesudas, the music legand in South India. Contestants from different walks of life share stage to showcase their music skills. They would be judged by eminent personalities like Ouseppachan, Violinist and Composer, Binn y Krishnakumar, play back singer and music composer M Jayachandran. Besides, celebrity guests are also roped in to add color to the program. GandharvaSangeetham is a program aired by Kairali TV in association with Swaralaya, a music and cultural organization. The reality show was conceptualized when Swaralya celebrated the 60th Birthday of Yesudas through a program – GandharvaSandhya. The reality show came as an extension of the same. The show revolves around different rounds which Includes classical songs, Evergreen Songs, Motherhood,
Old Is Gold
, Melody and other rounds which measure the creative talents across different forms of music. A top rated reality show, the grand finale of Gandharva Sangeetham saw the presence of film and music celebrities grace the occasion. Started in the year 2000, the show has found more than hundreds of participants competing to make their name known among the masses. The success of Gandharva Sangeetham, has in fact, given rise to a similar program for the kids – Gandharva Sangeetham Junior.
(2000 – 2013 – Kairali TV)