Gandhidarshan was a documentary special that aired on DD Malayalam of the Doordarshan Network. The documentary was an hour long feature on the philanthropic efforts of the Sobha Limited in the state of Kerala. Corporate Social Responsibility, or CSR is a large part of any company’s business activities, wherein the company uses its assets and ability to bring in social change in an area.
These activities often include monetary, educational or medical support to low-income families and services to improve their lives. However, most of the times companies bypass this by donating the money directly to the government and defer the actual work to them. However, in rare instances, the companies do take the initiative and participate in philanthropic efforts and throwing their weight behind them. One such company is Sobha Limited, which does social and charitable work through the Sri Kurumba Trust.
It was started in 1995, and since its inception, it has actively taken part in such activities. The documentary chronicles their philanthropic efforts throughout the years. The documentary focuses on their efforts, especially in the areas of Palakkad district in Kerala. The trust started by Sobha’s founder P. N. C. Menon focused on the Vadakkenchery and Kizhakkenchery villages of the district. The Trust Click to look into! >> Read More... adopted this village way back and since then implemented hundreds of ideas to improve people’s lives.
The company employed statistics and poverty mapping to find out families with low income and threw its weight behind their up liftment. Through its initiatives, the Trust has been able to bring changes in their lives. Apart from providing immediate relief, the trust also implemented measures that brought long-term impact in people’s lives. These include a school and health centre called Sobha Academy and Sobha Medical Centre respectively. These were created to help the children and elderly live properly.
Along with this, the trust also created Sobha Vocational Training Centre to teach youth, particularly the unemployed, new skills that they may use to land jobs. Apart from this, they also created an Hermitage for religious people and a community centre for people to spend their leisure time. The show travels through the villages and documents the changes. It also looks at the functioning of these institutions and how they impact people on a daily basis. The show also talked to various people to reflect on how Sobha’s effort has affected their lives. The documentary is interesting to see how companies can positively affect people’s lives.