Kerala state film awards is an awards show for motion pictures made in Kerala-India. The awards are best owned by the Department of Cultural Affairs from 1969-1997, but after 1997, the awards had been especially owned by the Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, it takes the awards on behalf of The Department of Cultural Affairs Since 1998. In this award show, the decision regarding the awards is taken by the independent jury which is formed by the Kerala Chalachitra Academy as well as Department of Cultural Affairs, Government of Kerala.
The members included in the jury are usually the persons from the film field, and for the awards related to literature in the cinema, a jury with different members is formed. The Kerala State Chalachitra Academy annually sends an invitation to the films for the awards, and after that, the jury starts to analyze the invited films for deciding the winners. The awards for the best films are presented by the Chief Minister of Kerala and declared by the Minister for Cultural Affairs. The main aim of giving awards is to promote and encourage the films, its morale value, artistes talent, producers, etc. It is not mandatory that every year the numbers of awards to be given are the same; they can be more or less depending on the scenario of motion pictures arts inside or outside the state.
Some of the categories of awards are, Best Short Film: Certificate, Replica are given, Lifetime Achievement: Certificate and Replica, Best actor: prize money 1 lakh and the replica with certificate, Best Director: prize money of 50,000 plus the replica, Best actress: cash prize of 1 lakh, certificate, and the replica, Best film: prize money of Rs 1 lakh to the producer with certificate and replica. A cash prize of 40,000 to the director, certificate and the replica, Best child artist: prize money of 50,000 and a replica with a certificate, Best story: prize money of 50,000 and a replica with a certificate.
Some of the simultaneous winners are: ‘
K J Yesudas
Kattassery Joseph Yesudas shortly called as K J Ye >> Read More...
’ who has won 24 awards, G. Aravindan has won 18 awards, ‘K. S. Chithra’ has won 15 awards and she also won 11 awards successively in 10 years from 1985 to 1995, ‘O. N. V. Kurup’ has won 13 awards, ‘Bharathen’ has won 12 awards, ‘S. Janaki’ has won 11 awards. Kerala state film award show is a full entertainment show as there are various performances by film stars; hosts are full of energy and never let the show humor go down.