Khel Khel Mein is a reality sports show aired weekly on Doordarshan. This show premiered on 27 July 2010. The program intends to create awareness among the Indians about the 19th commonwealth games. Commonwealth games take place every four years since 1930 when the first games held. It is a multi-sport event conducted internationally, where athletes from the Commonwealth of Nations take part. The 19th Commonwealth games, also known as Delhi 2010, held in Delhi from 3 to 14 October 2010. The event was first called the British Empire Games.
Doordarshan broadcast this show for developing the spirit of sports in Indians. Milind  Soman and Shraddha hosted this show. Actor Pavan Shankar Bio coming soon... >> Read More... played the role of a coach in this show, while Kriti directed it. Pavan Shankar has to train every contestant in the sports of their interests. Besides, being an actor Pavan is also a sportsman who started swimming at the age of six. Milind Soman Born on 4th November 1965, Milind Soman is a super >> Read More... is an actor and an Indian model, who is also a fitness instructor. He is an international level swimmer. This show has eight contestants, four girls and four boys.
The contestants are grouped into four groups with a boy and a girl in each team. Each gang has to answer questions related to 13 different sports. If a team answers the questions correctly, they will win the reward of points. Besides the quiz, the show also features the team playing various games in the field. The best part of this show is that there is no elimination. All eight contestants will take part throughout the show.
Based on the performances of the team, the teams are awarded points at the end of every episode. The group with the maximum score at the end of the show will win the game and declared as a winner. Various sports celebrities also appear in the show as guests. Some of the notable guests to this show are Rahul Bose Rahul Bose, who is an actor, director, writer and >> Read More... , Suniel Shetty Suniel Shetty, a renowned Bollywood actor, was bo >> Read More... , P.T.Usha, Gopi Chand, Viren Rasquinha Viren Rasquinha was born as Viren Wilfred Rasquinh >> Read More... , Khazan Sinha, Vijender Singh Vijender Singh is an Indian boxer, who has won th >> Read More... , Rajyavadan Singh Rathore, Dhara Singh, etc., The show has the total length of 13 episodes. The show aired weekly on every Tuesday at 10.00 am for an hour. Khel Khel Mein helped youths learn some great games and know about a few famous sportspersons.