Modern family is very famous American comedy which airs on ABC channel. It shows the life and family of an old man Jay Pritchett who lives with his young Columbian wife Gloria and her son Manny. The show also focuses their attention on the families Jay's first two children from his previous marriage, Claire, and Mitchell. It is a family show which is quite humorous. The third season of this super popular series begins with the entire family going on a vacation to Lost Creek Ranch in Jackson Hole. There they all sorts of things like cattle herding, horseback riding, and skeet shooting. Jay and a cowboy have a face off. The entire season has a lot of funny events and surprises which leave the audience in splits. Mitchel and Cameron break the news to the family that they are planning to adopt for the second time after lily.
But on realizing that Lily won't adapt well with a new baby upsets them and they have the second thoughts. Gloria gets jealous of the affectionate bond between Jay and his dog Stella. In her jealousy and anger, Jay loses Stella and is quite desperate to find her. Claire decided to petition to install a Stop sign at high traffic intersections. She and her husband Phil meet an irritating councilman
David Cross
David Cross comes from a mixed heritage, his mothe >> Read More...
in the process. Phil takes his and Claire’s daughter on a trip to his Alma Mater and makes her visit different colleges. Meanwhile, Claire convinces Mitchel and Cameron to take her to their boy’s night out. Gloria convinces Jay to go to a Salsa dancing club one night when she sees his friend and his girlfriend doing it so well.
The family one day realizes while spending time with each other that they won't be together for Christmas that year. Due to this, they decide to have a last minute Christmas party with each member getting separate tasks. Cam and Mitchell stay over at Jay and Gloria's house while their house is being disinfected. Mitchell feels a certain amount of pressure while planning Cameron’s birthday while People start questioning Jay's manliness. The entire family of Phil and Claire go to Disneyland. Claire tries to set up with Claire with her friend's nephew Ethan and is shocked when they run into Dylan, Haley's boyfriend. Alex attends her first prom. The entire season had mixed reviews from the audience and critics. Even though the ratings were high, the comments were fluctuating.