Mojacko is a shonen manga series created by Fujiko F. Fujio, which was later transformed into a 74 episode anime. The story revolves around Sarao Amano, a normal student who becomes friends an alien and a robot. Sarao lives a life of a typical kid and accidently make friends with two aliens who are stranded on earth. His life takes a turn as he supports them finding their way back home to the Moja Planet.
In the story, Sarao thinks about moving away from his home owing to boredom; but he meet Mojacko and Donmo, who have come to earth to look for a companion for their journey to the space. Sarao joins them on a fun yet dangerous adventure through space, visiting different planets.
Mojacko is the top rating anime for kids in Philippines today. It's great fun and entertainment watching the adventures of this unusual group including Sarao, his childhood friend Miki, his alien friend Mojacko and his robot butler Donmo, who are later joined by Mojacko's younger siblings Mojari and Mojaru and his opponent Momonja.
This Japanese anime is introduced to Indian audience by Pogo channel, which wishes to target 4-9 year olds with this new show. Mojacko has a similar plot as that of Doraemon, another Japanese character which is already popular among the kids.
With the development of the story, when Sarao reaches the aliens' home world, he discovers a blood feud between two tribes. Mojacko instills excitement and suspense as it continues as a mystery quest when the tribe's representatives try to outdo each other in search of a missing wealth of the past supported by an uncovered hint.
Helping Mojacko return home, treasure hunts and various other adventures await this group of kids in a rather whimsical series. While Mojacko came first, much before Doraemon, the latter has an anime series and movies made on it, even before Majacko's first animated episode could come.
Apart from a nice story and characters, Mojacko has an unmistakable voice and coupled with his antics, the show gets funnier than it already is. The animation took place in 1995 so its artistry is not that finished but that does not matter, as the main target of the show are children. Even this factor does not stop anime lover of higher age from appreciating it.
The plot of the story seems a lot like Doraemon or a comical skit but there are twists that make it stand out. There are times when Mojacko seems dull, but eventually it turns around and brings a smile instead.