After Superstar “Rajinikanth” announced his political entry, his fans started celebrating it. Although Rajini received some opposition, a lot of the people love him entering the politics. While the entire state is celebrating the star’s political entry, Namal Rajapaksa, son of the former Sri Lankan President, Rajapaksa posted on his social networking page Twitter about Rajini’s political entry. Namal said that he doesn’t want Rajini to be jailed for doing good to the people, as he did to the people in the film, Sivaji directed by “
S Shankar
.” He tweeted, “One of my Father @PresRajapaksa’s favorite actors, @superstarrajini, is going into politics. Great news. Hope life doesn’t imitate art in this case. Wouldn’t want to see him imprisoned for doing good (like in the movie #Sivaji). Welcome to #politics #Rajinikanth. #India #SriLanka.” When Rajini started his political entry on a hopeful note, Namal’s tweet irritated a lot of fans.